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High-ROI Exterior Renovations and Repairs for a Successful Sale

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Home Sale
High-ROI Exterior Renovations and Repairs for a Successful Sale

As a homeowner, it’s essential to make sure your home’s exterior is in good shape when it comes time to sell. First impressions are everything, and potential buyers can quickly be turned off by a home that doesn’t look well-maintained. That’s why focusing on the right exterior renovations and repairs can help you save money and protect your sale.

Upgrade Your Front Door

A worn or outdated front door can make your home appear old and uninviting, potentially turning off potential buyers before they even step inside.

According to data from the National Association of Realtors (NAR), one of the best ways to increase your home’s value is by upgrading your front door. A new steel front door can recoup up to 75% of its cost in added value. 

Repair or Replace Your Roof

Another important area to focus on is your roof. A damaged or outdated roof can be a major red flag for buyers, potentially leading to a lost sale. In fact, this is one of the most common repair recommendations made by home inspectors.

Depending on the condition of your roof, you’ll want to make repairs or, if needed, replace it. The good news: according to NAR, a full replacement can result in a 109% return on investment. 

Even if you’re not selling anytime soon, it’s essential to address any roof issues early on to avoid potential damage to your home’s interior and protect your sale. Contact us today for a free estimate.

Upgrade Your Windows

New, energy-efficient windows not only enhance your home’s appearance but can also save you money on heating and cooling bills. 

If your windows are not performing as they should, upgrading them can not only prevent buyers from getting cold feel, doing so can increase your home’s sale price.  According to NAR, homeowners can expect to recoup 72% of the cost of replacement windows, making it a smart investment for homeowners to consider. 

Repair or Refresh Your Siding

Refreshing your home’s siding is another way to increase your home’s curb appeal and attract potential buyers. Replacing outdated or damaged siding can make your home look brand new and more attractive to potential buyers. NAR reports that homeowners can recoup up to 75% of the cost of new siding, making it a smart investment for any homeowner looking to increase their home’s value.

You may be able to keep your costs down by making localized repairs vs a full replacement. Contact us for a free consultation and quote.

Tend to Your Landscaping

Finally, maintaining your landscaping is crucial in increasing your home’s curb appeal. Overgrown or neglected landscaping can be a turn-off for potential buyers. NAR recommends simple updates such as trimming hedges, cleaning up the lawn, and planting new flowers, which can increase your home’s value by up to 12%. Landscaping is a simple yet effective way to enhance your home’s appearance without breaking the bank.

In conclusion, focusing on the right exterior renovations and repairs can help you save money and protect your sale when it comes time to sell your home. Upgrading your front door, repairing or replacing your roof, upgrading your windows, refreshing your siding, and maintaining your landscaping are all simple yet effective ways to enhance your home’s curb appeal and attract potential buyers. Don’t underestimate the importance of curb appeal in making a good first impression and maximizing your sale price.